We scan the open ports with the nmap tool with scripts and software versions:
We use to gobuster tool with a dictionary large, we can see the wordpress directory on the server:
We access the source code and see that the website loads a domain name:
We access WordPress and detect software versions deployed on the server:
We confirm that the user is "tiago", so now we try to do an automated attack with the WPScan tool, but after several minutes we don't get credentials.
I launch nmap with the http-wordpress-enum script, it shows a plugin called "gwolle-gb 1.5.3" which has exploits:
So we mount a PHP file with a webshell so we can execute commands from the URL:
We set a netcat to listen and run a reverse shell with mkfifo:
We get the database connection credentials:
We run sudo -l and see that we can run the "rename" binary as the root user::