sábado, 30 de julio de 2022

Late HackTheBox Writeup



We run nmap on all ports with scripts and software versions.


We access the web site and find the domain (we put it in our /etc/hosts file).

It also tells us about a photo editing application, but we can't find any link to it, so it's probably on another subdomain.

We launch wfuzz to enumerate subdomains and find the "images.late.htb" (we insert it in our /etc/hosts file).

We access the site, we find the application that seems to be able to convert the image to text.

It seems that the app does not control the errors well, trying a python import os we see that it gives error and returns the absolute path with the user name.


We try to insert possible commands to identify a possible SSTI, we put those payloads in a photo with gimp:

We see that there are at least two possible payloads (jinja2) that we can use to exploit the SSTI.

I think this was the most complicated part of the machine, it took me several hours to explode the whole line, I had to "play" with the font and size.

And finally I got the user's SSH private key.

We connect via SSH and read the user flag:

Privilege Escalation

Transfer and run pspy64 to check if the script is being executed by root.

We see that it is, so we check the permissions and verify that we have permissions to modify the file "ssh-alert.sh" and insert a line to get a reverse shell when executed by the scheduled process.

We put a netcat listening, we make a SSH connection, we see that the script is executed and we manage to obtain root access.


David Utón is Penetration Tester and security auditor for web and mobiles applications, perimeter networks, internal and industrial corporate infrastructures, and wireless networks.

Contacted on:

David-Uton @David_Uton